Tsukamoto Ukyou
Tsukamoto Ukyou is Sakyou's younger brother, but appears older in both looks and manners. While Sakyou is the super cheerful and childish one, Ukyou is more cautious and concerned. He takes care of his older brother and is very protective of him. (Er, except when he bit Sakyou rather hard on his hand. But he couldn't help that really, Sakyou smells so delicious... ^_^;;;) Ukyou is one of the 10 cursed boys. Unfortunately his curse is for sweet things to make him extremely ill, like a sudden allergy! Not a good thing, considering his brother has turned into something sweet!
"Fun Fun Factory" is ©Watanabe Yoshitomo and Hakuensha. All images on this site are by Watanabe Yoshitomo unless otherwise noted.