Tsukamoto Sakyou
Tsukamoto-kun is so adorable! He is a classmate of Michiru's and is one of her 10 cursed. He likes cake a lot, and isn't ashamed to go to the Fun Fun Factory and drag his friends there (though this seems to be unusual.) He is usually very hyper and genki and cute! His curse makes his body taste sweet and he smells like a bakery! This causes a few people to lick or bite him, hehehe! He is really into sports even though he is not exactly great at them. When he is overexcited, he is sometimes drawn with cat ears, fangs and a tail! Tsukamoto's has a younger brother named Ukyo, and his best friend is Kazu.
"Fun Fun Factory" is ©Watanabe Yoshitomo and Hakuensha. All images on this site are by Watanabe Yoshitomo unless otherwise noted.